7 Valuable Skin Care Tips For Your 30s
29 September 2015
The transition from 20s to 30s gradually affects the skin too. To maintain a young, vibrant and fresh skin, you need to take appropriate care of your skin. Much time goes in maintaining the skin when you start ageing. 30s is a crucial time and proper skin care tips should be followed to maintain a healthy skin. One must make few things a habit to maintain the skin from losing it’s charm. Here are a few skin care tips for your 30s :
- Cleansing Routine - If you wear makeup regularly, you need to cleanse your face twice daily with a pH balanced facial cleanser. If you don’t already use one, next time check the ingredients and labels and make sure you’re using a good cleanser. Regular cleansing once in the morning before putting make up on and once at night after removing make up will clean out your pores and rid your pores of pollution, debris and any excess make up, leaving your skin clean and fresh.
- Regular Exfoliation - One of the best ways to get rid of dead skin cells is to exfoliate regularly. You don’t need to buy any expensive products from the market do that. Just mix your favourite oil with sugar crystals and you are good to go. Gently apply the paste into your skin once a week all over and wash off once you are done. The best time to exfoliate is at night because when you sleep your body naturally regenerates itself.
- Sleep Proper sleep is necessary for skin rejuvenation. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep should be completed to avoid effects on the skin. As you age, the body demands proper rest and if avoided, start showing symptoms on the skin too. A healthy sleep is necessary to woo away the tension and stress and thus avoid, negative effects on the skin. You can also apply a homemade night cream for glowing skin.
- Water - Our body is made up of about 60% of water. Drinking water has a positive effect on your skin. Drink at least 1.5 litres of water daily and you will notice a marked improvement in your skin. Your skin will glow more and feel healthier. On the same tangent, try and wash your face more often with plain cold water as well. This natural skin care tip will keep your skin refreshed and clean.
- Caffeine Your best friend in your teens and twenties should now become an acquaintance. You need to stay away from processed caffeine like soda and coffee as far as you can. If you feel like consuming caffeine, stick to natural teas like green tea, which are loaded with little amounts of caffeine and a variety of antioxidants, making it the perfect buddy. Also, read more about benefits of green tea for hair.
- Vitamin C Vitamin C is a fantastic source of the antioxidants and an essential skin care tips for 30s. By boosting collagen production, it helps fight off any radical damage to your skin and helps to hold off ageing for a little while longer. You can take vitamin supplements, but try and have natural fruit vitamins instead by eating fresh fruits like strawberries, oranges, lemons, kiwis, etc.
- Sunscreen If you don’t already follow this skin care tip, it is high time you start doing it! Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature ageing and wrinkles and the only way to avoid it is using sunscreen at least twice a day. There are variants available in the market that are not as sticky as the sunscreens used to be before. The higher the SPF, the more skin benefit for you! Using sunscreen is an essential skin care tip for thirties.
How many of these natural skin care tips do you already follow in your 30s? Learn more about
daily routine for glowing skin. Is your daily skin routine slightly different from what is given here? Let us know in the comments section below.
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